About Us


Capture and print your memories in an instant! Unleash your creativity with FUJIFILM INSTAX cameras, printers, and films. Choose from our Mini, Square and Wide variants. Ready to get creative? Click here to get yours today.


Take your photography skills to the next level with the latest X-SERIES cameras and FUJINON lenses. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a pro, FUJIFILM has got you covered. Start your photography journey here.


The classic photo prints never grow old. Transform your memories into tangible keepsakes with a click of a button. Prints are available in trendy squares or more traditional 3R-8R sizes. Wonder Photo Shop onlyl uses authentic FUJIFILM photo paper and ink to ensure quality images that last for years. Print your photos straight from your device here. For custom sizes, please visit any of our Wonder Photo Shop branches to inquire


Add a bit more character to your photos! Have your photos printed in unconventional materials such as canvas, plywood, sintra, cork, and so much more. Create your very own artist's galler right in your home, or have a unique gift perfect for every occasion. Start decorating here. For custom sizes and consultations, please visit any of our Wonder Photo Shop branches to inquire.


Storage for your precious memories need not be boring! With a wide array of albums and frames to choose from, you’ll surely find something to your fancy. Start shopping here.


Take note of your wonderful journey through the years with the FUJIFILM Photo Diary. Sort through hundreds of photos in minutes, and get a beautiful and durable coffee table album in as fast as 24 hours*.